Specialty Bags

  • WieBad Gray Ops Plate Bag WieBad Gray Ops Plate Bag

    WieBad Gray Ops Plate Bag

    Specifically designed for the GrayOps Mini Plate Pro, the WieBad Plate Bag provides a plate surface that can conform to anything you put it on. The Plate Bag is a great tool for reducing the amount of time it takes to transition to a new shooting...
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  • Wiebad MilkToast

    Wiebad MilkToast

    The MilkToast bag, about the size of a piece of toast, was designed for small port holes where scope height becomes an issue. Small size makes this bag easy to carry in your pocket when traveling to your shooting spot. Manufactured out of wax canvas on...
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  • WieBad Ranging Bag WieBad Ranging Bag

    WieBad Ranging Bag

    This unique bag functions as a dual purpose bag.  With its unique inside light-weight to outside heavy-weight fill it has been manufactured to drape over objects and surfaces to provide a stable non-abrasive place to range or shoot from eliminating...
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